How non functional testing work

How noN functional testing work?

Non functional testing is a type of testing related to software that confirms the non functional needs of a system like reliability, performance, usability, and scalability. It is one of the most used testing solutions that you should know about.

Testing is now very improtant for software or any other online product/service platform. Let’s understand why it is important and how it works.

First you need to understand what are the needs for non functional testing. Here are some of the very useful information on this topic. These could include aspects like load handling capacity, security, usability, response time etc.

Test planning is another a very useful and valuable thing that you should know about. Test planning is involved in understanding and determining the scope of nonfunctionaling testing. Identifying the metrics to be used for evaluation and outlining the strategy of testing and technique to be employed.

Test execution is one of the next steps that we need to understand. This could involve performing testing, stress testing, load testing, security testing, usability testing, reliability testing, scalability testing, etc. Let’s understand in detail by connecting with our team of experts.

Monitoring and analysis is always the key to success. During test execution, different types of metrics are collected and analyzed to assess the performance of the system against the requirement of non-functional requirements.

There are several types of tools available in marketing that can help to gather data like performance monitors, load generators, and profiling tools, these tools are available online you can find.

Reporting the issue that you have shared is really amazing and helpful. Testing results are documented and reported file which is the main important part of non-functional testing. If any kind of issue or discrepancies are found during the testing you need to mention that information in detail on the sheet. Stakeholders use these reports to make a decision regarding reliability, performance, and usability improvement.

This is all about How non functional testing works. Hope you like to read our blog, please leave a comment or contact us to get non functional testing solution.